Zeolite powder – Monti Zilit

The zeolite powder Monti Zilit is a classic silicon powder that is rich in iron and minerals. Monti Zilit is a volcanic rock that has mixed with the primeval seabed and the plants found there and is bioenergetically charged.

Buying zeolite is possible everywhere, but only makes sense and is recommended from well-known manufacturers, so that in the end a high-quality product has actually been purchased.

Monti Zilit is suitable for detoxifying the body. In this way, pollutants such as heavy metals (cadmium, lead, mercury) can be eliminated. Due to the hollow surface of zeolite, other toxins, preservatives and colorants can also be drawn in, enveloped and then passed out of the body via the metabolism.

It is above all the high proportion of iron that ensures that the iron content in the blood also increases. Blood that is supplied with iron strengthens the oxygen intake in the lungs and in the brain. Silicon, on the other hand, is known for strengthening the skin, cells and muscles.

But Monti Zilit also helps with the cleansing process of the glands and hormone balance. Legacies that have accumulated over time are cleared away; Courage and self-confidence increase. The small and large intestines are also cleaned, so that in the end a stable basis for all energy centers is created.

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